Office Campus & Parking Garage Restoration

This existing six-building, 780,000-sf office campus on 17 acres of waterfront property underwent an extensive renovation. Condition appraisal, restoration and construction documents, and construction administration were provided for an existing two- to three-level podium, post-tensioned and mild-reinforcement parking deck. The scope of work included the following:
- Extensive concrete partial depth repairs to the cast-in-place post-tensioned and traditional reinforced concrete parking garages
- Full floor slab removal and replacement in multiple locations
- New application of traffic coating on all horizontal supported garage floors
- Complete re-striping of all parking stalls, including accessible parking stalls and floor directional arrows
- Plumbing repairs, including new floor drains to remedy a deficient drainage system
- New plaza and landscaped area waterproofing at the new beer garden