Public Water Supply Well Feasibility

IMEG teamed up with NewFields to complete a feasibility analysis for the development of a new public water supply well & appurtenances to serve a new facility & bolster the existing water system at the Montana State Prison.
The project entailed well field analysis, water rights assessment, hydrogeological study of the aquifer, well location recommendations, PWS-5 & PWS-6 Source Water Delineation & Assessment reports, test well design, production well design, hydraulic modeling of the well connection, pump sizing, & DEQ permitting. To date, IMEG has completed the aquifer study & flow demand analysis. The remaining work will be completed in 2020.
Additional services include sand-removal analysis for the existing public water supply (PWS) wells. The PWS efficiency has declined since the system was installed due to sediment entrainment. The team is evaluating the existing public wells on the system to identify possible causes of poor well performance. Based on findings from the sediment entrainments assessment, the team will recommend mitigation measures & outline MDEQ process for design/permitting to implement mitigations measures.
Design options will include sand/sediment filtration & disposal systems & may also include well upgrades & other recommended actions to rehabilitate the existing system. Based on findings, designs will be completed & submitted to MDEQ for permitting.