Repair of Plumbing, Domestic, and Chilled/Hot Water Piping

IMEG, working with joint venture firm PRIME AE, provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing investigation and engineering design services for the evaluation and repair of the piping, including sewer, domestic, and chilled/hot water lines, at Building 27496 and 27497 at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.
Our team provided pre-design planning support, and the preparation of designs including plans, drawings, design analyses, specifications, and cost estimates to execute a site- specific construction project. Since Building 27496 was fully occupied throughout the duration of the project and mission operations could not be interrupted, the work was completed in phases.
Problems with the original sewage, domestic, chilled, and hot water systems occurred requiring increased maintenance to keep them operational. The main chiller located in B27497, which served B27496, was undersized, as was the redundant chiller. Numerous air handling units were added to accommodate the growing number of personnel working in the building. Upgrades to the HVAC system were needed to provide occupant comfort.
This project included an evaluation of the systems and the development of full design documents to correct the deficiencies. A site visit and field investigation were coordinated and conducted at the restricted access building. The project involved the renovation of a critical utility system in a restricted, secure facility, requiring the design team to carefully coordinate access and scheduling.
The system evaluation determined the status and condition of the existing plumbing systems inside Building 27496. The study included chilled and hot water lines all the way to B27497’s mechanical room and domestic water and sewage lines to the first junction outside the facility. Pressure level, required flow rate, actual flow rate, temperature measurements, review of maintenance records, assessment of corrosion levels, pipe thickness, and the available area within the pipes were evaluated. Deliverables included life expectancy, system adequacy and expected performance life of these systems, and recommendations for repair, replacement, and modification. Cost estimates for each water system were provided.
The design included the replacement of all piping in need of repair, along with an upgrade of the chilled water system to accommodate the heat loads produced in the underground complex. This included the replacement of the main and redundant chillers, chiller pumps, piping for sewage, domestic water, and chilled and hot water lines, all associated valves, and any controls in need of replacement. The size of the pumps and piping needed to be enlarged in order to optimally serve the system with the increased capacity of the chillers.
The existing electrical distribution was reused to serve new circuits. Where existing mechanical equipment was replaced with new equipment with the same electrical connection requirements, the existing circuit was reused to refeed the new mechanical equipment. New power connections were provided for the new equipment and for any equipment that increased in size with a new electrical power requirement. The design also includes a new electrical powerboard in B27497 to connect new HVAC air-cooled chillers, 480/277V, 800A main circuit breaker.
The repair design was completed in conformance with UFC 4-010-01 DOD Minimum Anti-terrorism Standards for Buildings and
UFC 4-420-07F Facilities Criteria – Air Force Nuclear Weapons Maintenance and Storage Facilities.
Sustainable design requirements are included in the design of the HVAC systems in conformance with UFC 1-200-02 High Performance Sustainable Building Requirements and UFC 4-010-06 Cybersecurity of Facility-Related Control Systems.