Sanitary Sewer Improvement

IMEG provided campus-wide facility infrastructure master planning, design implementation, and construction administration services for the modernization of the College of the Desert’s main campus facilities. IMEG prepared the plans, specifications, and construction oversight for the abandonment of the existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure improvements.
The project called for the abandonment and redesign of all wet utilities (sanitary sewer, storm drain, and potable water systems and roadway improvements. The project consisted of over 8,000-lf of new eight and twelve-inch sanitary sewer mains and associated structures, reconnect ion of existing services laterals, and coordination and connection to major trunk lines owned and operated by the Coachella Valley Water District.
Since educational activities could not be interrupted during the project, “slip lining” of approximately 2,000-lf of existing sanitary sewer systems that were constructed in the early 1950’s where able to be left in place. Video inspection services provided by IMEG determined that there was some minor structural damage, therefore a slip lining alternative was developed. This provided adequate structural integrity allowing for the partially damaged sewer lines to remain in place. After the slip lining activity was completed, the existing laterals remained active by simply cutting away the necessary portions of the slip lining that blocked the services laterals.
These innovative engineering solutions provided significant cost savings to the college.