SBN Near Detector Building

IMEG provided engineering design and services for Fermilab’s new Short Baseline Neutrino Near Detector Building in Batavia, IL. The Detector building includes a liquid argon neutrino detector to support Fermilab’s neutrino research. Extensive coordination was provided to allow the detectors to be installed in the facility after the building was built.
Engineers provided MEP, fire protection, and technology design, as well as commissioning and energy modeling services for the new building, the majority of which is below ground in order to align the detector to the beamline. IMEG worked closely with Fermilab’s engineers to design the ventilation systems needed to maintain proper human comfort during normal operation, and to provide hazardous exhaust during an oxygen depletion event.
The electrical design included two electrical services, one for traditional power and the other for clean power to be used by the experiment systems that are isolated from HVAC and other building systems. Engineers also included a full daylight harvesting system designed to reduce energy consumption of the LED lighting systems. Additionally, extensive grounding was provided for future laboratory work, and an active Vesda fire alarm system was designed to provide quicker response time in the event of a fire.
The building was designed to meet the Department of Energy’s Guiding Principles for Sustainable Buildings.
IMEG also provided engineering design for Fermilab’s Far Detector Building, which sits approximately 500 feet from the Near Dectector Building.