Single-Span Replacement Bridge

IMEG provided bridge replacement plans on Turkey Hollow Road over Turkey Hollow Creek in the City of Rock Island.
The existing bridge consisted of a three-span, precast concrete channel beam structure, and was replaced with a single-span W36 steel beam bridge with integral abutments and spill-thru slopes.
The structure span length is 74’-0” centerline-to-centerline of abutments, with a 40’-0” inside face-to-face of parapets. The new bridge was super elevated and has a vertical sag curve on the bridge.
This bridge was designed using LRFD HL-93 design loading. The project included the preparation of a preliminary bridge design and hydraulic report, feasibility study, structural analysis, and final plans and contract documents.
IMEG provided construction services that included both construction administration and construction observation. Construction administration services included required reports and forms, processed change orders and pay estimates, and review of all equal employment opportunity postings and certified payrolls. Construction observation services included field
documentation, measurement and computation of quantities, weekly reports and daily diaries, contract compliance, materials sampling and certification, and record drawings.