South Cargo Building Upgrades

IMEG is providing mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and technology engineering design services for replacement of the HVAC equipment and fire protection systems throughout three cargo buildings at Logan Airport. Each project was designed to interface with other concurrent construction projects within the buildings. Detailed phasing plans were prepared, including temporary swing space, to allow construction to proceed while each building remained fully occupied, allowing airport operations to continue uninterrupted.
The design team evaluated all existing equipment to determine the best location for replacement while identifying significant energy-efficient solutions for improved system performance. The new equipment improves building energy use by 40%, exceeding Massport’s requirement by 20%. Furthermore, new high-efficiency variable volume central air handling units replaced multiple constant volume units, resulting in significant operational savings, while a new air distribution system comprised of VAV boxes with reheat coils allowed for the removal of inappropriately zoned baseboard and constant volume air conditioning units. New building-wide HVAC controls include variable volume control with proper zoning and increased ventilation. IMEG prepared plans, sections, and isometric views to capture project specific logistic issues, coordinated tel/data with tenant systems and low-voltage contractors, and inventoried existing FF&E, providing the contractor with information for temporary furniture relocations.
A BIM implementation plan (BIMxP) was created in accordance with Massport BIM Guidelines. IMEG coordinated laser scanning activities of the interior and exterior of all three buildings, and converted laser scans and point clouts to Revit models. Finally, a LEAN A3 tool was used to evaluate multiple design options and inform owner decision-making.