SSM Health Building Performance Analysis

Since 2012, IMEG has facilitated the development and implementation of building performance optimization for SSM Health.
11 Projects at 2 facilities including:
Good Samaritan Hospital Airflow Optimization:
- St. Mary’s Hospital ASU-027
- St. Mary’s Hospital HVAC Improvements
- St. Mary’s Hospital Heating Plant Upgrades
- St. Mary’s Hospital ED Renovation
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- St. Mary’s Hospital
Monitoring-based Commissioning:
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- St. Mary’s Hospital
Utility Analytics:
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- St. Mary’s Hospital
Non-energy benefits included operation and maintenance savings and increased occupant comfort, health, and productivity. (Each has been shown to be equal in value to annual energy savings.)
The following results were achieved on energy efficiency projects:
Annual savings: $446,082
Utility incentives: $499,934
Payback period: 0.39 years