Stormwater Management Strategy

Working with Dover, Kohl & Partners, IMEG helped create a Downtown Master Plan for the City of Missoula that will impact the city’s historic downtown and adjoining neighborhoods.
IMEG was responsible for the infrastructure components of the plan. The team completed a preliminary infrastructure analysis to identify critical questions, obstacles, and needs related to the downtown infrastructure. The civil team then modified the study to incorporate additional insights and recommendations gathered throughout the public charrette process.
The team coordinated with the utility providers within the city of Missoula, engineering departments, and other related professionals to ensure the completed plans met all applicable requirements. The final report consisted of recommended utilities (including broadband), stormwater infrastructure and green infrastructure approaches, and an evaluation of existing water, sewer, broadband capacity, and other utility infrastructure and easements within the downtown project area.
The city now has a community-driven vision and plan for the future of downtown that will guide decisions over the next 10 years.