Stormwater Management Strategy

The Mullan Area Master Plan aimed to maximize workforce housing while accommodating the infrastructure needs of a 2,000-acre area in Missoula County. The site presented significant challenges related to stormwater and maximized density due to proximity to the airport influence area. Our team helped find solutions that maximized the development potential for the outer limits of the site.
Teamed with Dover, Kohl & Partners, IMEG developed conceptual stormwater management solutions utilizing green infrastructure in coordination with the development of the Conceptual Illustrative Master Plan. This plan included the restoration of Grant Creek, the stormwater base map for the study area including drainage basins, site condition research for soils and groundwater, preliminary routing analysis to identify natural drainage courses, and limited stormwater routing assessment for the area, and a drainage limitations map.
During virtual public charrettes, IMEG developed the Stormwater Management Strategy and presented findings to the group, overcoming the area’s stormwater integration challenges. The IMEG team provided local support for additional meetings that arose during the course of the project.