Technology Infrastructure Upgrades

IMEG provided engineering design services for Indianapolis Public Schools’ (IPS) technology infrastructure upgrade. The $4 million phased upgrade allowed for normal classroom functionality throughout the project.
The scope of the project was to upgrade the technology infrastructure of eight IPS schools; affected spaces included classrooms, media centers, cafeterias, auditoriums, teaching staff work rooms and conference rooms. Phase 1 included the upgrade of 154 classroom and ancillary areas and Phase 2 upgraded 213 similar areas. The existing infrastructure remained
in place until all the new equipment was installed and ready to be used, and work was completed during after-school hours so that no interruptions occurred during the day.
The technology design updated IPS’s aging infrastructure to modernized best practices that support not only telecommunications, but also additional converged IP systems. The users gained flexibility in their teaching methods and an infrastructure that will support their needs instead of being a bottle neck slowing down the network.
IMEG consulted with IPS to fully define and design the cabling infrastructure and associated scope of work that would enable the school system to provide scalable A/V technology to awarded schools. Along with providing A/V and telecommunication services, engineers identified and evaluated qualified contractors based on completeness of bid proposals and bid pricing, participated in pre-bid meetings and walk-throughs, reviewed bid proposals, provided project management and construction administration, and worked closely with CORE/IPS staff to quickly resolve construction issues.