Tornillo-Guadalupe Land Port of Entry

The $70 million Tornillo-Guadalupe Land Port of Entry (LPOE) project in El Paso County is providing enhanced border services to facilitate anticipated major trade growth at the southern border of the U.S. The design of the new port involves the growth of the site from just over 8 acres to more than 117 acres. The 250,000-sf of facilities includes a new main building, a headhouse, commercial inspection facilities, NII, commercial and POV lanes and canopies, as well as kennels and other agency facilities.
IMEG provided MEP design for the project, which included site utility distribution for electrical and technology systems, a new central plant facility, high mast site lighting, emergency power generation, and renewable energy systems design. A nominal 200 kWp solar photovoltaic system was also designed to incorporate on-site renewable power production for the port. The project design incorporated new GSA BIM standards into the documentation.
The Energy Security and Independence Act of 2007 had a significant impact on the programmatic requirements that needed to be incorporated into this project. The most significant impacts were increased agency reporting requirements, stiffer energy reduction guidelines, maximum feasible replacement of lighting systems, use of geothermal and renewable energy systems, and green building practices that improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality. This Design Excellence project is expected to be a Landmark Port Facility. The project was awarded LEED Gold certification.