Urban Renewal Sidewalks Improvements

IMEG was responsible for design development, public relations, easement acquisitions, boundary and topographic mapping survey, creation of contract documents, on-line bidding, construction administration, inspection, and certification for this most recent curb and sidewalk project within the MRA URD II district.
Our team coordinated with Montana Rail Link (MRL) and over fifty adjacent property owners to identify design constraints. The project consisted of over 17,000 square feet of sidewalk, 1,500 linear feet of curb, and new infrastructure compatible with existing street features and utility constraints within eight residential/commercial blocks. Multiple on-site meetings with the affected commercial businesses along the street improvement frontage area were required to secure property owner buy-in on the project.
The detailed designs created substantial cost savings for MRA, fewer maintenance costs, and reduced additional miscellaneous work items. Public relations were key as the project had a mixture of residential and commercial properties. Many residential areas had private property encroaching within the right-of-way, and many of the property owners were not aware of the location of the public right-of-way. On the commercial aspect of the project, coordination with the owners was necessary to improve parking configurations.
Our team made plans readily accessible and detailed the encroachments with construction notices. By establishing the detailed right-of-way, we identified areas requiring additional easements to accommodate street improvements and acquired five easements for the project’s construction. IMEG also had multiple coordination meetings with MRL to secure their approval for sidewalk connections through the right-of-way to help tie in the sidewalk network on 4th Street. The project was completed on-time and under budget (construction and consultant).