Four IMEG projects were named Top Projects of 2025 by The Daily Reporter, which honors the top construction projects throughout Wisconsin and highlights their impact around the state.  The projects include:

University of Wisconsin Health Eastpark Medical Clinic

The state-of-the art Eastpark Medical Center (EMC) provides new ambulatory and outpatient care and services on UW Healthcare’s East Campus (UW) and serves as the anchor for a new greenfield campus for UW Health. IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, technology, and acoustics design and construction administration services for the six-story, two-tower, 469,000-sf building. Read more.

The Sonnentag

IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and technology design for the new complex, which houses an event center, fieldhouse, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Center for Health and Wellbeing, and the May Clinic Health System Diagnostic Imaging and Sports Medicine Center. Learn more about the project and IMEG’s design here

Mayo Clinic Health System-La Crosse Bed Tower

IMEG provided mechanical, electrical, fire protection, technology, and security design as well as medical equipment planning and construction administration services for the patient tower expansion. The seven-level, 70-bed Center for Advanced Medicine and Surgery (CAMS) Patient Tower, the largest construction project in MCHS La Crosse History, includes a surgical and procedural floor adjacent to and integrated with the current operating rooms, housing pre-recovery, and post-recovery rooms; endoscopy suites; cardiac catheterization labs and interventional radiology; Medical-Surgical units; advanced electronic ICU and Progressive Care Unit; Family Birth Center including dedicated labor and delivery, nursery, NICU and C-section suites; and unfinished shell space for future growth. Read the IMEG case study.

Burnett County Public Safety Facility

The 68,000-sf project included a new 40,000-sf building and renovation of 2,500-sf of the current county Government Center. It includes a 92-bed jail, drive-through sally port, sheriff, deputy, and detective offices, an expanded dispatch center, and security upgrades. IMEG provided structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, technology, and security engineering services for the project. Read more.

The projects will be honored at the upcoming Top Projects Award Celebration in May.